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Stitch and Lego Ideas: A Hawaiian Roller Coaster of Emotions

I have been passionate about LEGO for as long as I can remember, but a second love of mine throughout my formative years has been animation and film. I love the emotions that can be conveyed in the characters that we see in classic Disney films like “Lilo and Stitch”. It’s no surprise that I like combining both of those together, and why I love creating these emotive characters in LEGO.

Sitch Lego by Tyler Clites
My Youtube Video to gather votes for my Sitch Project

Stitch’s LEGO Ideas Journey

In 2017, I submitted my first version of Stitch, from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch to LEGO Ideas. This crowd-sourcing platform from LEGO gives LEGO fans the opportunity to submit their creations with a chance of becoming an official LEGO set. After 10k supporters, LEGO reviews the project to see whether they will take it up as a new set.

Stitch posted in LEGO Ideas way back 2017 by Tyler Clites
It started from Lego Ideas way back 2017.

After what seemed like ages of waiting and watching the supporters increase on Stitch, I was ecstatic when this little blue abomination received the necessary 10k supporters. I had a chance at Stitch becoming an official set!

But then, reality hit like a ton of bricks. The LEGO team gave my Stitch project the cold shoulder. They had decided not to make Stitch an official set. My hopes of Stitch becoming a set fell apart. Although I was disappointed, I dusted myself off and kept on keeping on. I knew my little blue alien buddy was special, and I wasn’t about to give up on him.

Second Chance and Renewed Hope for my Stitch

Fast forward a few months, and they are picking again for a new Lego set. They’d narrowed it down to four picks, and I was excited to see my Stitch project chosen.They approved 4 projects and let the fans vote to see which set they’d like to see produced. I was so close I could taste it! I just knew they would choose the lovable Stitch! But again, my hopes were dashed as my poor little Stitch was snubbed in favor of yet another NASA space model. 

Perseverance and Fan Support

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Tyler, dude, why not just let it go?” But here’s the thing: I’m a stubborn guy, and I knew tons of Lego fans out there were just as smitten with Stitch as I was. I couldn’t just leave them hanging! Emails and messages poured in from fans begging and pleading for a chance to build their own Stitch.

LEGO’s Official Stitch Set and Mixed Emotions

Several years have passed now, and requests for instructions continue from loyal fans. 

But wait! What’s this? Lego has now decided to produce a LEGO set of Stitch after all!? I feel crushed, slighted, and strangely excited to see Stitch as an official set. This has happened to many other LEGO Ideas projects that get declined and then pop up a few years later as an official set without any mention of the Ideas project or the fans who poured so much of their love and creative talent into their projects. While this is entirely legal, and certainly, folks like myself have no claim to IPs like Disney or Lilo and Stitch, it still stings.

A company that is so dedicated to its enormous fanbase would do well to connect with the fans who created these original projects. They could let them have a front row seat to the project, ask them to consult, or even make mention of them in the instructions. A gesture like this would be a fantastic way to show that a company like LEGO truly cares about the individuals behind these projects.

LEGO's Official Stitch Set
The Official Lego Stitch Release

I never thought I would have such a variety of emotions centering around a blue cartoon alien. At the end of the day, I love LEGO as a company, I love LEGO as a product and an artistic medium, I love Stitch as a character, and I love the support that I’ve received from so many fans. 

Wrapping Up

So let me give you something…

…I want you to have access to this character and model that I love so much! Free instructions are available now! All you have to do is fill out the form below. There are no catches, no gimmicks, just good old-fashioned LEGO love.

Stitch Lego being built by Tyler Clites

Let’s keep this crazy, wonderful, Lego-obsessed community strong, shall we? Let’s build a world where everyone can experience the magic of bringing their favorite characters to life, one piece at a time.

Thanks for sticking with me through all the ups and downs! I hope your emotions soar to new heights as you build Stitch or any other set or custom LEGO creation you choose. 

Get the Stitch Lego Instructions Now for Free

Alright, Lego friends, listen up! Want to create your very own Stitch masterpiece? Well, you’re in luck because I’m giving away the building instructions for free along with the .IO file that you can use to order the parts needed at

Just fill out the form below, and I’ll shoot you the step-by-step guide and the IO file on bringing Stitch to life in your home. I hope he brings you as much excitement and joy as he has for me! Happy building!

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